
Showing posts from December, 2020

T'was the Night Before Christmas Break 2020

 Twas the night before Christmas break, and I sat here alone Staring at my computer, and pondering the past year up to now.  The schools had shut down on Friday March 13, and I never got to say goodbye to some of my kids. The children began this year on the computer, in hopes that we would soon be in-person together.   And my students at home, and I in my home began to get to know each other through the screen of a computer. When out from the district, they sent out such an email, that said we had a date to return in-person to school! Away to the classroom I flew like a flash,  Decorated, separated, and stashed. The children arrived and filled up my room, and as I watched, tears bubbled in my eyes to hear their joyous songs and greetings of each other.  When what to my wondering eyes should appear, students caring for each other despite the meters. With laughter and jokes, a few teaching moments my students called pranks, I knew very soon this class was special...